

Our sponsor Mercury has informed us that GN-Otometrics has released a new version of its clinical OAE platform Capella. The new product is called Capella2 and it is the collaboration result between the American IHS (Intelligent Hearing systems) and GN-otometrics, with a major emphasis on the OAE user interface .

Additional  information about the product can be found in this You-Tube video and in the GN-Otometrics website.


From the Editor :

My impressions from the last meetings I have attended in 2012/2013, is that OAE technology has arrived at a still point (plateau). I believe this is the direct consequence of using OAEs exclusively to -partially- screen infants (I am trying to be  a bit provocative here ...) . The OAE technology has not evolved in consumer terms,  despite considerable developments in signal processing, algorithm design, electronics etc. Border line changes arrive at the consumer .. mainly as a re-elaboration of previously developed OAE technologies .

I have been asked many times .. What I would like to see in the next generation of OAE equipment .. and I turn this question to the vaster OAE community  .. asking you to tell us your opinion. So please visit the OAE Portal FORUM  and feel free to express what the future should be like !!!!

Please remember to register in the  FORUM .. otherwise  .. you will not be able to share your thoughts  !!!

New Rules of the Forum

The last two weeks we have noticed that we had had four cases of SPAM in the OAE Forum. The reasons for SPAM are beyond our understanding. With the initial FORUM setup it was impossible to create topics automatically (by spamming spiders, spamming robots etc) and we had tried to resolve the problems we had in the old Forum. A spamming message requires a manual insertion .. and despite this in 4 cases someone took time to insert spamming messages. The objectives can be multiple .. but we would like to stop here.

We have established two NEW RULES for the OAE Forum. These introduce a small delay in posting a message , but  they constitute a safe measure to avoid spam. To post or reply to any message a USER has to register . The registration has to be  be approved by the Forum administrators. Once this happens the USER is active and can post or reply to a message.  The post will be assigned as pending and will be available to the Forum once it is approved. In simulations we have seen that it takes less than 24 hours for a post to appear.

The NEW Forum


We have activated the structure of the NEW OAE Forum. For the moment this platform will contain information from October 2013 and on. We have also inserted a link to the OLD Forum (under the FORUM menu), to maintain access to old information, till September 2013. A word of caution about the OLD Forum, it is plagued by high level of SPAM. 

We are also considering importing various messages from the OLD Forum to the New, but there is a lot to consider here specially of what can be considered important.



The Cochlear Implant section was updated with a short paper on the CI Electrode Selection, written by the section Editor Dr. Nadia Giarbini.