Editor's Perspective
February - May 2025: An Overiew of the NHS practices in the World
Editorial written by Stavros Hatzopoulos

For many reasons related to the administration duties from the majority of the Portal staff (myself included), the activities in the Portal have been slowed down. In addition to the fact that OAEs and neonatal screening are NOT the new kids in the block anymore, and as a consequence new software and hardware developments are hard to come by. In 2025, the members of my lab with a cooperation from the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing in Warsaw, will present a series of Reviews on the hearing screening practices across the globe. We have identified 4 major geographic areas,...
Read moreGuest Editorials
April - June 2019: Telehealth and Audiology
Guest editorial Mark Krumm PhD

Telehealth, or telemedicine, is the provision of health care services using a telecommunications medium (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2005; Ricketts, 2000; Wootton, 2001). Specifically, telehealth indicates that practitioner services are provided to patients using an electronic medium such as a computer network, the telephone, satellite or two way radio (Mun & Turner, 1999; Stanberry, 2000).Telehealth services are used to serve people with limited healthcare access who typically live in rural or inner city communities. Applications have advanced substantially since the first telehealth services were explored. Also, it is likely that the most important telehealth advancements have occurred in the past decade spurred...
Read moreWhite paper of the Month
Subjective tinnitus and contralateral suppression of otoacoustic emissions
Whitepapers Maria RIga MD, PhD et al
About the corresponding author: Dr. Maria Riga, is currently an Assistant Professor of Otorhinolaryngology at Democritus University of Thrace, in Alexandroupolis, Greece. She was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. She graduated from the Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She was specialized in Otorhinolaryngology at “P&A Aglaia Kyriakou” Children's Hospital of Athens and University Otorhinolaryngology Department of the University Hospital of Patras, Greece. Her thesis with the title «The contribution of otoacoustic emissions in the study of the ototoxicity of chemotherapeutic agents in children» was assigned as 1st by the University ENT clinic, National University of Athens, Greece....
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26/03/2025: Paper on the Screening pract…
As it was announced, this is the first paper on the Hearing Screening practices in Europe, which was published in the Journal Children. Abstract: Background: The reported data on European universal neonatal hearing screening (UNHS)practices tend to be scarce, despite the fact that the European Union project, EUScreen, collectedunofficial data from 38 collaborating European institutions. The objectives of this systematic reviewwere as follows: (a) to identify the most recent (in a 20-year span) literature information about UNHSprograms in Europe and (b) to provide data on the procedures used to assess the population, theintervention policies, and on the estimated prevalence of congenital hearing...
Read more05/01/2025: A new sponsor for the OAE Po…
After a successful collaboration with the Italian Company Inventis on the evaluation of their evoked potentials system Celesta, we are very pleased to announce that Inventis will support the OAE Portal , as an active sponsor. Details on their ABR system will appear in the Portal in the section of ABR hearing screening.
Read more20-03-2023
We have been conducting an internal re-organization of the Portal material, specially in the areas of Hardware and Software. Additional thematic areas will be updated within this coming trimester (-June 2023).
Read more26/09/2020 : Special issue on Pediatric …
I am happy to announce that with two close collaborators profs Andrea Ciorba and Piotr H Skarzynski we will edit a special issue of the Journal of Clinical Medicine dedicated to Pediatric and Adult Cochlear Implants and Middle Ear prostheses. These technologies are closely related to otoacoustic Emissions and hearing screening as the two major strategies to account for hearing deficits identified during the screening process. Readers who are interested in sending in a contribution are welcome to visit this link : https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jcm/special_issues/Pediatric-Adult-Cochlear-Implantation
Read more26/06/2020 : The Book advances in Audiol…

The 2-volume book Advances in Audiology and Hearing Science has been finally published by AAP. There are significant contributions in the area of otoacoustic emissions and other electrophysiological techniques, for the students and professionals of the field. Interested readers can accessed information at the AAP link here : Since the 2-volume book has a steep price undergraduate or graduate students can contact me via the OAE POrtal for a possible discount.
Read more26/09/2019 :Technical beta-testing repor…
After a series of measurements in 2018 we were able to evaluate a new interesting AOAE device the R140 from Resonance Italy. The device was in pre-clinical release status and its performance was not fully optimized. Nevertheless, the device showed great potential for screening applications and the company has informed us that the software will be soon updated with AABR capabilities. The report shows the performance index of the R140 in a group of adults and neonates.
Read more07/05/2018: Multimedia content of the bo…
We are working (and in parallel editing the book ..) on the implementation of the Multimedia contents of the book "Advances in Audiology, Speech Pathology and Hearing Science". The authors of the book have done an excellent presenting links with video personal material, animations and Youtube links which will improve considerably the apprehension of the book contents.
Read more26/03/2018: Updates on the Advances Book…
We have initiated the final construction of the additional elements needed in relationship to the multimedia elements of the book "Advances in Audiology , Speech Pathology and Hearing Science". While these links and materials are free for everyone who accesses the OAE Portal, they will make sense only to the readers of the book.
Read more01/02/2018 : New HEAL Conference at Lake…
There are news about the new HEAL (HEaring Across the Lifespan) Conference: According to the organizer Ferdinando Grandori "The HEAL Conferences, known also as the Lake Como Conferences, have become the place where a broad community investigating all components of hearing care across the lifespan can work together to merge contemporary research findings with cutting-edge clinical practice. Across the years, participation of some 500 to 600+ delegates representing some 50 to 60+ different countries, about 300 to 350+ selected presentations (oral communications and Posters), Round Tables, Satellite Events, together with vibrant discussions among participants, have made these meetings a great event, paralleling the...
Read more25/01/2018 : Updates on the "Advanc…
The book "Advances in Audiology, Speech Pathology and Hearing Science" is an attempt to move teaching and learning to a new level, which we call 2.0. The idea of the book editors (Hatzopoulos, Ciorba & Krumm) is to supply not only the latest information in their field, but to provide a multimedia liaison of their material. In other words within the chapters there will be available multimedia links which will facilitate the comprehension of the material. As it was announced in 2017, the OAE Portal will be used as a reservoir of this multimedia content, where possible (of not copyrighted material). The...
Read more24/10/2017 : New multimedia contents rel…
From the Editor: I am privileged to edit with Drs Andrea Ciorba and Mark Krumm ( associate editors) a new book titled "Advances in Audiology, Speech Pathology, and Hearing Science". The book will be published in 2018 by American publisher Apple Academic Press (AAP). The book describes the latest advances in the three disciplines mentioned and its novel features include not only numerous images BUT links to multimedia elements, found either at the youtube site or in this Portal !! As the saying goes " a picture is a 1000 words" .. you can imagine what a multimedia element of an animation or of a video, could...
Read more05/07/2017: Book chapters request
From the Editor: I am currently editing an Open Access book, by the Intech publisher, with the working title "Hearing Loss" . The topic is quite open and I am sure it will interest many colleagues across many different disciplines. To see the call for submitting a chapter , please follow this link: https://www.intechopen.com/welcome/a38726fa9ccb2ba12a90ef3f02843770/ . Let me know if you are interested or if you have any questions. Thanks
Read more02/07/2017: Survey useful for Hearing R…
We have received this message and we are make it public, for those users interested in contributing Hearing Research. Dear colleague We are the UK’s largest charity representing people with hearing loss, deafness, and tinnitus. We’re planning the next 5 years of our work, and we hope you can help. A key priority for us is to accelerate the development of treatments and technology to protect and restore hearing, and silence tinnitus. We want to understand the challenges, bottlenecks and opportunities that exist in developing technology and treatments, and what we need to do to have the biggest impact. We want to hear the...
Read more09/02/2017: Social Security Benefits for…
This information is interesting to the US audience of the OAE Portal. We have been informed from Mr. Gabrielle Gonzalez about a series of Social Security benefits regarding hearing disabilities. The links provided are placed in the section "Information for Families".
Read more05/12/2916 : Updates on the "Inform…
The "information for Families" material has been updated with 4 Successful Cochlear Implant stories, which were presented in the Second Conference on Cochlear Implants and Music (July 14th 2016, Warsaw Poland).
Read more19/11/2016: New Tools for Tracking scree…
In the November issue of the ECHO initiative Probes & Tips, there is a presentation of a simple EXCEL tool , which can track and provide basic information on hearing screening activities. Although the information has to be inserted manually, the EXCEL solution is a good backup strategy for hearing screening sites with low birth rates. It can be also a good solution for displaying monthly screening activities. The EXCEL spreadsheet (2016 version ) and the guide of how to use it can be downloaded from the ECHO website.
Read more19/11/2016: New experimental drug (Keyzi…
Usually we do not report in the Portal inner ear Pharmacology news, but this one is different. The news refer to clinical data treating patients with tinnitus after an occurrence of otitis media. This scenario implies a peripheral tinnitus generation and as such it is of great interest, since the genesis mechanisms of tinnitus are multiple and usually more central-Auditory System oriented. From the web site of Auris Medical Holding : Auris Medical Holding AG (NASDAQ: EARS), a clinical-stage company dedicated to developing therapeutics that address important unmet medical needs in otolaryngology, today announced additional clinical data as well as updates to its...
Read more29/10/2016 : New white paper
The section on White papers , subsection of Clinical applications was updated with a contribution from Dr. Maria Riga titled "Subjective tinnitus and contralateral suppression of otoacoustic emissions; an attempt to validate cut-off points with clinically useful positive or negative predictive value in normal hearing adults". Dr. Riga is currently an Assistant Professor of Otorhinolaryngology at Democritus University of Thrace, in Alexandroupolis, Greece.
Read more27/10/2016 : Visualization of white pape…
From this month , we offer the visitors of the OAE Portal the possibility to visualize the last submitted white paper, in accordance with the presentation of the Guest Editorials, where emphasis is given to the contributing author. The presented white paper page will contain information on the author and his /her collaboration team, as well a short abstract of the submitted work. A reminder that white papers are synopses of papers published in other journals.
Read more20/10/2016 : Updates on the Free Book ch…
The section on FREE book chapters has been updated with a chapter contribution titled " Technological Advances in Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening" by S. Hatzopoulos, H. Skarzynski and PH Skarzynski. Chapter data : DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4287.1762 Book title : Update on Hearing Loss, Edition: First, Chapter: 9, Publisher: INTECH, Editors: Fayez Bahmad Jr, pp.169 - 184
Read more13/10/2016: WideBand Tympanometry
The category of Wideband Tympanometry has been added to the Alternative Technologies , in the Clinical applications of OAEs. The WBT pages are only a pre-cursor of the forthcoming WBT chapter.
Read more22/09/2016: Attention on this month's Ed…
This month's editorial , by Dr. James Hall III, is part of his book on Evoked Auditory Potentials. Dr. Hall was generous enough to share with the international OAE Portal community important clinical cues on the topic of hearing loss assessment. Amazon.com offers the new handbook in a convenient Kindle version. The editorial and the handbook material are great educational resources for students and professionals.
Read more21/09/2016: More information for Familie…
There is a wealth of information in the FORUM section , specially for Families of implanted or for Cochlear implantation candidates. The stories which are posted are from children who have received successfully a Cochlear implant (mostly as a result of a Neonatal Hearing Screening program). We have noticed that rarely visitors check the FORUM for additional topics or for more details on a specific topic, therefore in the section Information for Families we will start posting these success stories. The idea behind this is to distribute in a larger scale the successes and the positive experiences of Cochlear Implant users ,...
Read more19/09/2016 : Free Book chapter Section
Towards the end of September 2016, we will start posting on-line chapters from Open Access books which might be interesting to Students and Professionals. In the Free Book Chapter section you will find Book chapters on OAEs and relative technologies from early detection and Intervention policies. Some chapters will be downloadable from the Portal, others from ResearchGate links. All material is FREE under the Open Access Agreement.
Read more26/03/2025: Paper on the Screening practises in Europe
As it was announced, this is the first paper on the Hearing Screening practices in Europe, which was published in the Journal Children.
Background: The reported data on European universal neonatal hearing screening (UNHS)
practices tend to be scarce, despite the fact that the European Union project, EUScreen, collected
unofficial data from 38 collaborating European institutions. The objectives of this systematic review
were as follows: (a) to identify the most recent (in a 20-year span) literature information about UNHS
programs in Europe and (b) to provide data on the procedures used to assess the population, the
intervention policies, and on the estimated prevalence of congenital hearing loss with emphasis on the
bilateral hearing loss cases.
Methods: Queries were conducted via the Pubmed, Scopus and Google
Scholar databases for the time period of 2004–2024. The Mesh terms used were “OAE”, “Universal
Neonatal Hearing Screening”, “congenital hearing loss” and “well babies”. Only research articles and
review papers of European origin were considered good candidates. The standard English language
filter was not used, in order to identify information from non-English-speaking scientific communities
and groups.
Results: Very few data and reports were identified in the literature search. Eleven
manuscripts were identified corresponding to eight UNHS programs. Except in Poland, most of the
data refer to regional and not national programs. The screening coverage estimates of all programs
exceed 90%; infants were mostly assessed by a three-stage protocol (TEOAE + TEOAE + AABR),
followed by a clinical ABR test. The average prevalence (i.e., from well babies AND NICU infants) of
bilateral hearing loss ranged from 0.5 to 20.94 per 1000 (Zurich sample). Infants presenting unilateral
or bilateral hearing losses were first rehabilitated by hearing aids and consequently (>15 mo) by
cochlear implants.
Conclusions: Even though UNHS programs are well-established clinical practices
in the European States, the amount of information in the literature about these programs is surprising
low. The existing data in the timespan 2004–2024 corroborate the international UNHS data in terms of
coverage and bilateral hearing loss prevalence, but there is a strong need to supplement the existing
information with the latest developments, especially in the area of hearing loss rehabilitation.
You can download the paper from here: