Mimosa Acoustics

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A few words about our sponsor Mimosa Acoustics


Mimosa Acoustics is based in the tech-hub of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. With our closeness to the UIUC community, we draw from a rich source of expertise and access to advanced facilities. We have received numerous NIH and Navy SBIR and STTR grants, allowing us to push the frontiers of diagnostic audiology, in collaboration with top audiological researchers.

Our passion at Mimosa Acoustics is in advancing diagnostic audiology through research. It is our goal to bring the best possible auditory diagnostics to clinicians through our continuing collaboration with leading researchers and the use of state-of-the-art technologies.

Company History

In 1994 Dr. Patricia Jeng created Mimosa Acoustics, following an initial marketing of CUBeDIS™ - a joint product with Etymōtic Research. Mimosa Acoustics was formed to take advantage of basic cochlear research from the Acoustics Research Dept. of Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, from 1979-1992. Dr. Jeng and Jont Allen, along with personnel from Etymōtic Research, marketed one of the first commercially available Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission (DPOAE) measurement systems, CUBeDIS™. In 1994, Mimosa went on to release one of the first clinically available DPOAE systems.

The clinical transient-evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) system was developed by Mimosa Acoustics, in conjunction with the US Navy, with adult hearing-conservation programs in mind. We then developed the first clinically available wideband immittance system, the Middle-Ear Power Analyzer (MEPA3). Through our commitment to hearing research, we broke technological barriers and extended middle ear immittance measurements out to 6 kHz.

Our HearID and OtoStat systems encompass MEPA3 and OAE technology that allows you to test for middle- and inner-ear dysfunction with the same probe fit. False-positives for sensorineural hearing loss are reduced because short-term conductive disorders are detected immediately. Audiologists continue to discover and validate MEPA’s unique clinical applications and benefits to this day.

Mimosa Acoustics holds basic patents for advanced auditory measurements, and in conjunction with our research partners, publishes in the hearing-research literature. Our flagship HearID system now incorporates DPOAE, TEOAE and MEPA software modules, with its patient database, allowing clinicians to quickly diagnose a multitude of middle-ear and cochlear hearing disorders. Our OtoStat screener takes that technology and makes it portable and convenient.

On May 8, 1998, Jont Allen (CTO at Mimosa Acoustics) gave a "lecture" to Mead Killion (President/CTO at Etymōtic Research) at Mead's request, on the history of Sysid and CUBeDIS. It was recorded and transcribed at the time, and sent from Mead to Jont as a fax. For those of you interested in acoustics history and historical documents, here is a transcription of non-proprietary excerpts from the fax.


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