Italian Authoring Activities: Milano Polytechnic

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Dept. of Biomedical Eng., Polytechnic of Milan:
Papers with the checkbox checked correspond to an impact factor journal 



  Parazzini M, Galloni P, Brazzale AR, Tognola G, Marino C, Ravazzani P.
  Quantitative indices for the assessment of the repeatability of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in laboratory animals.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2006 Aug;53(8):1550-6. 
  Galloni P, Parazzini M, Piscitelli M, Pinto R, Lovisolo GA, Tognola G, Marino C, Ravazzani P.
  Electromagnetic fields from mobile phones do not affect the inner auditory system of Sprague-Dawley rats.
Radiat Res. 2005 Dec;164(6):798-804. 
  Moleti A, Sisto R, Tognola G, Parazzini M, Ravazzani P, Grandori F.
  Otoacoustic emission latency, cochlear tuning, and hearing functionality in neonates.
J Acoust Soc Am. 2005 Sep;118(3 Pt 1):1576-84. 
  Pastorino G, Sergi P, Mastrangelo M, Ravazzani P, Tognola G, Parazzini M, Mosca F, Pugni L, Grandori F.
  The Milan Project: a newborn hearing screening programme.
Acta Paediatr. 2005 Apr;94(4):458-63. 
  Parazzini M, Bell S, Thuroczy G, Molnar F, Tognola G, Lutman ME, Ravazzani P.
  Influence on the mechanisms of generation of distortion product otoacoustic emissions of mobile phone exposure.
Hear Res. 2005 Jul 26; 
  Parazzini M, Hall AJ, Lutman ME, Kapadia S.
  Effect of aspirin on phase gradient of 2F1-F2 distortion product otoacoustic emissions.
Hear Res. 2005 Jul;205(1-2):44-52. 
  Galloni P, Lovisolo GA, Mancini S, Parazzini M, Pinto R, Piscitelli M, Ravazzani P, Marino C.
  Effects of 900 MHz electromagnetic fields exposure on cochlear cells' functionality in rats: Evaluation of distortion product otoacoustic emissions.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2005 Jul 21;
  Tognola G, Parazzini M, de Jager P, Brienesse P, Ravazzani P, Grandori F.
  Cochlear maturation and otoacoustic emissions in preterm infants: a time-frequency approach.
Hear Res. 2005 Jan;199(1-2):71-80. 
  Grandori F, Sergi P, Pastorino G, Uloziene I, Calo G, Ravazani P, Tognola G, Parazzini M.
Comparison of two methods of TEOAE recording in newborn hearing screening.
Int J Audiol. 2002 Jul;41(5):267-70.

  Parazzini M, Ravazzani P, Medaglini S, Weber G, Fornara C, Tognola G, Vigone MC, Bianchi C, Comi G, Chiumello G, Grandori F.
Click-evoked otoacoustic emissions recorded from untreated congenital hypothyroid newborns.
Hear Res. 2002 Apr;166(1-2):136-42.

  Tognola G, Ravazzani P, Molini E, Ricci G, Alunni N, Parazzini M, Grandori F.  
"Linear" and "derived" otoacoustic emissions in newborns: a comparative study.
Ear Hear. 2001 Jun;22(3):182-90.
  Sergi P, Pastorino G, Ravazzani P, Tognola G, Grandori F.  
A hospital based universal neonatal hearing screening programme using click-evoked otoacoustic emissions.
Scand Audiol Suppl. 2001;(52):18-20.
  Tognola G, Grandori F, Ravazzani P.  
Time-frequency analysis of neonatal click-evoked otoacoustic emissions.
Scand Audiol Suppl. 2001;(52):135-7.
  Ravazzani P, Tognola G, Sergi P, Pastorino GC, Grandori F.  
Analysis of spontaneous and click-evoked otoacoustic emissions in newborns.
Scand Audiol Suppl. 2001;(52):133-4.
  Tognola G, Grandori F, Ravazzani P.  
Data processing options and response scoring for OAE-based newborn hearing screening.
J Acoust Soc Am. 2001 Jan;109(1):283-90.
Morand N, Khalfa S, Ravazzani P, Tognola G, Grandori F, Durrant JD, Collet L, Veuillet E
Frequency and temporal analysis of contralateral acoustic stimulation on evoked otoacoustic emissions in humans. 
Hear Res. 2000 Jul;145(1-2):52-8. 
Tognola G, et al.

Frequency-specific information from click evoked otoacoustic emissions in noise-induced hearing loss. 
Audiology. 1999 Sep-Oct;38(5):243-50. 
Tognola G, et al.

Evaluation of click evoked otoacoustic emissions in newborns: effects of time-windowing. 
Audiology. 1999 May-Jun;38(3):127-34. 
Ravazzani P, et al.

Optimal band pass filtering of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions in neonates. 
Audiology. 1999 Mar-Apr;38(2):69-74. 
Tognola G, et al.

Time-frequency distribution methods for the analysis of click-evoked otoacoustic emissions. 
Technol Health Care. 1998 Sep;6(2-3):159-75. 
Ravazzani P, et al.

Two-dimensional filter to facilitate detection of transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions. 
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 1998 Sep;45(9):1089-96. 
Blinowska KJ, et al.

High resolution time-frequency analysis of otoacoustic emissions. 
Technol Health Care. 1997 Dec;5(6):407-18. 
Tognola G, et al.

Wavelet analysis of click-evoked otoacoustic emissions. 
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 1998 Jun;45(6):686-97. 
Ravazzani P, et al.

Optimal one- and two-dimensional filtering of transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions. 
Br J Audiol. 1997 Dec;31(6):479-91. 
Tognola G, et al.

Time-frequency distributions of click-evoked otoacoustic emissions. 
Hear Res. 1997 Apr;106(1-2):112-22. 
Ravazzani P, et al.

'Derived nonlinear' versus 'linear' click-evoked otoacoustic emissions. 
Audiology. 1996 Mar-Apr;35(2):73-86. 
Tognola G, et al.

An optimal filtering technique to reduce the influence of low-frequency noise on click-evoked otoacoustic emissions. 
Br J Audiol. 1995 Jun;29(3):153-60. 
Ravazzani P, et al.

Evoked otoacoustic emissions: nonlinearities and response interpretation. 
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 1993 May;40(5):500-4. 
Grandori F, et al.

Non-linearities of click-evoked otoacoustic emissions and the derived non-linear technique. 
Br J Audiol. 1993 Apr;27(2):97-102.