Clinical Studies of Medial Olivocochlear Function
Clinical Studies of Medial Olivocochlear Function

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Charles I. Berlin, PhD ;Linda Hood PhD ; Thierry Morlet, PhD; and Shanda Brashears, MCD
09 January 2014
Level: Intermediate
The on-line lecture is an abridged version from a lecture Dr. Berlin presented during the ARO meeting of 2001. In this presentation, Dr. Berlin, summarizes several years of research on the medial efferent olivocochlearsystem (MOCS) in humans. Studies of otoacoustic emission suppression haveshown that the MOCS effect is reliable and valid and exits separately fromthe middle ear muscle reflex. Dr. Berlin explains what parameters should beused to elicit the medial olivocochlear reflex and what results should beexpected according to age and hearing condition.
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