OAE Articles and MEDLINE

ENT Dept. Torino University :
Papers with the checkbox checked correspond to an impact factor journal

  Rossi G, et al.

Recovery time of the temporary threshold shift for delayed evoked otoacoustic emissions and tone bursts.
ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 1991;53(1):15-8.

•  Bari,  ENT   •  Ferrara   •  Milano Polytech   •  Milan, ENT dept   •  Napoli, Gerontology   •  Padova, ENT   •  Perugia, ENT   •  Roma, Catolica   •  Roma, ENT   •  Roma, ENT2   •  Roma AirForce   •  Roma, ISPESL   •  Torino, ENT    •  Main

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