Contents of this section: 42 lectures you can FREELY print and Download

The topics in this section will cover most areas of OAEs with a stronger emphasis on clinical OAE applications, including neonatal screening which at the moment is the application which draws more attention.

Obviously these lectures are FREE and you can use them for your presentations or lectures, but we would appreciate if you could notify us when you intend to copy something.

Editor's Note: The policy of the Portal regarding the on-line lectures has changed AGAIN from 1/6/2004. Now you can download the lecture you are interested-in directly from the appropriate pages (Biophysics, clinical, etc). The file you can download is a pdf Acrobat file which retains the original formatting of the Powerpoint presentation and you can print it directly.  This OPTION has been chosen over the previous one (html files) due to complications with the browsers in the PC and MAC environments.

NOTE : If you don't have the Pdf  Adobe Acrobat reader you can download it from here  (approximatelly 6 M).

FOR LECTURES POSTED PRIOR TO 2004: The policy of the Portal regarding the on-line lectures has changed from 1/3/2002. Now you can download the lecture you are interested in directly from the appropriate pages (Biophysics, clinical, etc). The files you can download are self-unzipping (each file ends with an "exe"). Each lecture is saved in an HTML format and you can view it by any currently available browser (Netscape or Explorer).



Categories of lectures (the numbers in parentheses indicate the current number of lectures per category)

•            •            •              •  Main