In this section you can find program which
simulate the generation of OAEs. The programs are presented for
educational purposes and certain theoretical resctriction do apply.
- DPOAE generation
- The
Tardini tone (By Dr. Michael Berg)
simulator program (140K)written by Dr.
David Brass and running under a DOS environment. The
programn is straight forward in terms of installation and change
of the simulation parameters (attention because it prefers
to install in drive C) . It is possible
to see the BM dispacement with and without a distortion nonlinearity.
- Labview-based
GUI for DPOAE Signal Estimation (28.7 M) . The theoretical
bases of the program can be found at the following paper
: A.
K. Ziarani and A. Konrad, "A novel method of estimation of
DPOAE signals," IEEE
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 51, No. 5, 2004,
pp. 864-868. A synopsis of
the work can bealso found at the Portal at the section of
white-paper on OAE
signal processing. The Labview GUI (there is no
need to have
the Labview environment) can be used in a PC environment
or in a Virtual-PC simulator (MAC). The folder contaIning
the material is quite large (28.6 M) so ONLY users with ADSL or
ADSN connections should try to download it. Unfortunatelly
we cannot provide the files by email. The program can be
easily set-up and a readme file explains the necessary steps
to unpack and install the necessary files. For additional
information and questions you can contact Dr. Zairani.
can download the files from here ,
or from the downloading site of Clarkson
- TEOAE generation