CNS disorders and OAEs
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- Category: Recent Articles
- Last Updated on Monday, 24 December 2012 12:26
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Podwall A, Podwall D, Gordon TG, Lamendola P, Gold AP. |
- Unilateral auditory neuropathy: case study.
J Child Neurol. 2002 Apr;17(4):306-9.
Sininger YS, Trautwein P. |
- Electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve via cochlear implants in patients with auditory neuropathy.
Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Suppl. 2002 May;189:29-31.
Buss E, Labadie RF, Brown CJ, Gross AJ, Grose JH, Pillsbury HC. |
- Outcome of cochlear implantation in pediatric auditory neuropathy.
Otol Neurotol. 2002 May;23(3):328-32.
Kaga M, Kon K, Uno A, Horiguchi T, Yoneyama H, Inagaki M. |
- Auditory perception in auditory neuropathy: Clinical similarity with auditory verbal agnosia.
Brain Dev. 2002 Apr;24(3):197-202.
Strumberg D, Brugge S, Korn MW, Koeppen S, Ranft J, Scheiber G, Reiners C, Mockel C, Seeber S, Scheulen ME. |
- Evaluation of long-term toxicity in patients after cisplatin-based chemotherapy for non-seminomatous testicular cancer.
Ann Oncol. 2002 Feb;13(2):229-36.
Madden C, Hilbert L, Rutter M, Greinwald J, Choo D. |
- Pediatric cochlear implantation in auditory neuropathy.
Otol Neurotol. 2002 Mar;23(2):163-8.
Brown DK, Dort JC. |
- Auditory neuropathy: when test results conflict.
J Otolaryngol. 2001 Feb;30(1):46-51. Review. No abstract available.
Sawada S, Mori N, Mount RJ, Harrison RV. |
- Differential vulnerability of inner and outer hair cell systems to chronic mild hypoxia and glutamate ototoxicity: insights into the cause of auditory neuropathy.
J Otolaryngol. 2001 Apr;30(2):106-14.
Ohwatari R, Fukuda S, Chida E, Matsumura M, Kuroda T, Kashiwamura M, Inuyama Y. |
- Preserved otoacoustic emission in a child with a profound unilateral sensorineural hearing loss.
Auris Nasus Larynx. 2001 May;28 Suppl:S117-20.
Marco J, Morant A, Orts M, Pitarch MI, Garcia J. |
- Auditory neuropathy in children.
Acta Otolaryngol. 2000 Mar;120(2):201-4.
Oysu C, Aslan I, Basaran B, Baserer N. |
- The site of the hearing loss in Refsum's disease.
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2001 Nov 1;61(2):129-34.
Lee JS, McPherson B, Yuen KC, Wong LL. |
- Screening for auditory neuropathy in a school for hearing impaired children.
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2001 Oct 19;61(1):39-46.
Sheykholeslami K, Kaga K, Kaga M. |
- An isolated and sporadic auditory neuropathy (auditory nerve disease): report of five patients.
J Laryngol Otol. 2001 Jul;115(7):530-4.
Shallop JK, Peterson A, Facer GW, Fabry LB, Driscoll CL. |
- Cochlear implants in five cases of auditory neuropathy: postoperative findings and progress.
Laryngoscope. 2001 Apr;111(4 Pt 1):555-62.
Starr A, Sininger Y, Nguyen T, Michalewski HJ, Oba S, Abdala C. |
- Cochlear receptor (microphonic and summating potentials, otoacoustic emissions) and auditory pathway (auditory brain stem potentials) activity in auditory neuropathy.
Ear Hear. 2001 Apr;22(2):91-9.
Vatovec J, Velickovic Perat M, Smid L, Gros A. |
- Otoacoustic emissions and auditory assessment in infants at risk for early brain damage.
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2001 Apr 27;58(2):139-45.
Morant Ventura A, Orts Alborch M, Garcia Callejo J, Pitarch Ribas MI, Marco Algarra J. |
- [Auditory neuropathies in infants].
Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2000 Aug-Sep;51(6):530-4. Spanish.
Tapia MC, Lirola A, Moro M, Antoli Candela F. |
- [Auditory neuropathy in childhood].
Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2000 Aug-Sep;51(6):482-9. Spanish.
Abdala C, Sininger YS, Starr A. |
- Distortion product otoacoustic emission suppression in subjects with auditory neuropathy.
Ear Hear. 2000 Dec;21(6):542-53.
Sheykholeslami K, Kaga K, Murofushi T, Hughes DW. |
- Vestibular function in auditory neuropathy.
Acta Otolaryngol. 2000 Oct;120(7):849-54.
Morant Ventura A, Orts Alborch M, Garcia Callejo J, Pitarch Ribas MI, Marco Algarra J. |
Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2000 Aug;51(6):530-4. Spanish.
Tapia MC, Lirola A, Moro M, Antoli Candela F. |
Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2000 Aug;51(6):482-9. Spanish.
Miyamoto RT, Kirk KI, Renshaw J, Hussain D. |
- Cochlear implantation in auditory neuropathy.
Laryngoscope. 1999 Feb;109(2 Pt 1):181-5.
Simmons JL, Beauchaine KL. |
- Auditory neuropathy: case study with hyperbilirubinemia.
J Am Acad Audiol. 2000 Jun;11(6):337-47.
Trautwein PG, Sininger YS, Nelson R. |
- Cochlear implantation of auditory neuropathy.
J Am Acad Audiol. 2000 Jun;11(6):309-15.
Salvi RJ, Wang J, Ding D, Stecker N, Arnold S. |
- Auditory deprivation of the central auditory system resulting from selective inner hair cell loss: animal model of auditory neuropathy.
Scand Audiol Suppl. 1999;51:1-12.
Ptok M. |
- [Otoacoustic emissions, auditory evoked potentials, pure tone thresholds and speech intelligibility in cases of auditory neuropathy].
HNO. 2000 Jan;48(1):28-32. Review. German.
Sasso FC, Salvatore T, Tranchino G, Cozzolino D, Caruso AA, Persico M, Gentile S, Torella D, Torella R. |
- Cochlear dysfunction in type 2 diabetes: a complication independent of neuropathy and acute hyperglycemia.
Metabolism. 1999 Nov;48(11):1346-50.
Hood LJ. |
- A review of objective methods of evaluating auditory neural pathways.
Laryngoscope. 1999 Nov;109(11):1745-8.
Corley VM, Crabbe LS. |
- Auditory neuropathy and a mitochondrial disorder in a child: case study.
J Am Acad Audiol. 1999 Oct;10(9):484-8.
Deltenre P, Mansbach AL, Bozet C, Christiaens F, Barthelemy P, Paulissen D, Renglet T. |
- Auditory neuropathy with preserved cochlear microphonics and secondary loss of otoacoustic emissions.
Audiology. 1999 Jul-Aug;38(4):187-95.
Butinar D, Zidar J, Leonardis L, Popovic M, Kalaydjieva L, Angelicheva D, Sininger Y, Keats B, Starr A. |
- Hereditary auditory, vestibular, motor, and sensory neuropathy in a Slovenian Roma (Gypsy) kindred.
Ann Neurol. 1999 Jul;46(1):36-44.
Rance G, Beer DE, Cone-Wesson B, Shepherd RK, Dowell RC, King AM, Rickards FW, Clark GM. |
- Clinical findings for a group of infants and young children with auditory neuropathy.
Ear Hear. 1999 Jun;20(3):238-52.
Harrison RV. |
- An animal model of auditory neuropathy.
Ear Hear. 1998 Oct;19(5):355-61.