May - July 2015

      For the period of May - July  2015 we will focus on OAE software updates.  We have planned a series of updates in the area of OAE signal processing, neonatal tracking solutions and overall applications as in Telemedicine.

      Historically the first category (OAE Signa Processing) was developed in the late nineties when researchers required additional tools to analyze the TEOAE & DPOAE responses. The  developments in this area have been delayed significantly due to the  format of the available data. The latter  was caused by a lack of consensus regarding OAEs.  Every vendor used a proprietary solution (i.e. format) to save the data acquired with a specific family of devices and export options to other universal formats were not available. Most of the processing solutions which exist today are based on the data - format of the early Otodynamics TEOAE devices. Of course various solution shave been tested in the MATLAB programming environment , but none has been trully evolve.

     Neonatal hearing screening tracking has been developed well in the US, the other countries and continents show very little in terms of programs and overall flexibility in user-interface. Several updates are programmed in this area .. presenting the solutions present in today's market.

      A second editorial on Telemedicine  by Dr. Krumm will appear in late June 2015.