Hearing Screening

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FAQ Written by Editorial Board 20483


  • Children's Screening
  • Cochlear Implants and NHS



    This section on cochlear Implants will be edited by Nadia Giarbini  MD, PhD and by Arthur Lorenz Eng. PhD . 


    Dr. Giarbini  is an expert on Cochlear Implants and relative technologies in Italy . Has collaborated  and participated to numerous projects of the MEDEL Research team . Currently she works  at the Audiology clinic of the Merano hospital in Italy.

    Dr. Lorenz is currently the Head of the Department of Auditory Implant and Perception of World hearing Center of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing , Warsaw, Poland. His scientific experience is in the field of auditory implants, psychoacoustics and auditory perception modeling.


    Arguments will include (but not limited to)  :

    1. Diagnostic Procedures after Neonatal Hearing Screening and Early Intervention Strategies.

    2. The basics of Cochlear Implantation procedures and various video-sources.

    3. Frequently asked questions about Cochlear Implants (courtesy of MEDEL)

    4. Evaluating the effects of early intervention in  EDHI programs.

    5. Literature references (papers only)  on Newborn Hearing Screening and CIs

  • Hearing Aids and NHS
  • Latest NHS News

     The Latest information about screening collected from colleagues and Portal users from all parts of the World.

  • NHS and Alternative Technologies (to OAEs)

     The impetus of the neonatal screening / EHDI programs has pushed forward the development of other technologies not based on information from the Auditory Periphery. The pages of this section are intended to describe laconically these new technologies. As time passes by and more studies are being published (mainly for the ASSR section) we will present new and relevant information.

  • Major NHS statements

     The Major Report Statements which changed the role of hearing screening